Esas Sosyal, the social investment division of Esas Holding, combines the corporation’s responsible citizenship approach with the vision of the late Şevket Sabancı and his family to give back to society. Esas Sosyal upholds the motto, “Esas Sosyal Provides Equal Opportunity” in its activities focused on youth and employment.
Esas Sosyal strives to eliminate the inequalities of opportunity that the graduates of lesser-known state universities, which the employers may not favor, encounter during their transition from school to professional life. For this purpose, Esas Sosyal mobilizes a wide ecosystem of more than 4,000 people, including private sector players and NGOs, business people, executives, and young people around its programs as a solution model for unemployment among educated youth.
In line with its mission of achieving equal opportunity, diversity, equality and inclusion in youth employment, Esas Sosyal has continued to offer sustainable and measurable social investment programs since 2015. In addition to providing funding, Esas Sosyal also aims to create social benefit from this financial support and stands out as a unique example of the globally adopted social impact investment approach in Türkiye.